Dahej Petrochemical Complex Project

Dahej Petrochemical Complex (Lump Sum) Project (India) ; Project management, review and confirmation of the basic project data, Process design ,updating of FEED package, collection of any data required to complete the Basis of Design, preparation of engineering and design, Detailed Engineering, third party inspection, obtaining statutory approvals, Procurement and supply of all equipment and materials, transportation and management of all equipment and materials to site, storage, preservation and protection of materials at site, completion of any necessary supplemental ground preparation, construction, fabrication, erection, installation, third party inspection, pre-commissioning, commissioning, performance testing as applicable and handing over to Owner, Post commissioning services for operation of the unit(s) for six months after commissioning, complete with all documentation and data required for the operation and maintenance and post commissioning services of the Integrated Utilities & Offsite package.